The Food Revolution – AHS 2011
First DLOI. Not sure I 100% agree with this video or everything that is supports, but it is interesting to read how our food consumption has changed over the centuries and the impacts it may be having on us.
First DLOI. Not sure I 100% agree with this video or everything that is supports, but it is interesting to read how our food consumption has changed over the centuries and the impacts it may be having on us.
I love football, college a little more than the NFL, but during the fall on most Sunday afternoons you will find me watching football. However, this article makes you think about the impact to the individual players. What about the physical impact to college players that never recieve the financial benefits of playing in the…
The NY Times isn’t normally the website that you think of having great football reporting, but they have an in-depth and educational series on the different defensive schemes in football over time. Looks like it will come out in 7 parts and the first 3 are already published. Probably more information that you want to…
Found a link to this video on the Freakonomcis Blog and thought it was great. Easy to understand, entertaining, and it points out the foolish decisions that we keep making with our coins.
This was a really interesting article. It is insightful that the real effectiveness of a number of treatments that are now standard may increase quantity of life at a much higher rate than the quality of life. How Doctors Die « Zócalo Public Square. – Sent by # Powered by Twitter Tools
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