10 Things Job Applicants Should Know
I enjoy the small business blog from the NYTimes, especially the posts from Jay Goltz. Here is one of his better ones: 10 Things Job Applicants Should Know
I enjoy the small business blog from the NYTimes, especially the posts from Jay Goltz. Here is one of his better ones: 10 Things Job Applicants Should Know
Listened to this podcast several months ago, but was talking with my wife about it last night. The podcast suggests that parents don’t have a life long impact on there kid’s earning. However, we can have a impact on other parts of there lives. Listen below and find out: The Economist’s Guide to Parenting Freakonomics…
The recent issues with police use of force in a variety of locations have raised new issues related to body cameras for force across the country. While the general view from police officers seems to be against them, the studies linked below seem to suggest they may be helpful. I start to wonder if the…
Update May 12th, 2014 Thanks again to all our supporters. We raised over $1,400 dollars. The ride was tough much of the day with a strong head wind, but we made it. Jonathan encouraged us with animal spotting and songs. A big thanks to my parents for providing SAG support. It was great to have…
I know that I haven’t posted anything about my music appreciation project in the last month, but it has been a big success. I enjoyed listening to a number of different stations including the Avett Brothers and Eric Clapton. I found a couple new artist that I really enjoy and have a great new station on Pandora; Joshua…
I have had this one in my queue to publish for a long time, but I thought I might toss it out there tonight. While I wont recommend Comcast to anyone if they had the choice, if you have to use them strongly consider Business Class service. The technicians, both on the phone and on…
I have been involved with Lafayette Habitat for over 5 years now as a Board Member, IT Volunteer, and occasional builder. It is a great organization that changes lives and has transformed neighborhoods in Lafayette! Support us and Lafayette Habitat!!! My 5 year old and I will be participating in the Cover Indiana Ride for the first leg between Lafayette…