The Food Revolution – AHS 2011
First DLOI. Not sure I 100% agree with this video or everything that is supports, but it is interesting to read how our food consumption has changed over the centuries and the impacts it may be having on us.
First DLOI. Not sure I 100% agree with this video or everything that is supports, but it is interesting to read how our food consumption has changed over the centuries and the impacts it may be having on us.
Hear about this on NPR: Making It in America – Magazine – The Atlantic. I actually went out and purchased the magazine to read this article. It was interesting and highlights how the arguments that are taking place about education and “middle class” policy don’t recognize how drastically the economy has changed and certain jobs…
Wouldn’t you love to have this kind of connection at home! Data access to homes should be the rural electrification/Interstate Highway system of the next 10 years. 1Gbps fiber for $70—in America? Yup..
I am not sure how many times I said this to myself, but I used it as an excuse in school lots of times. When a friend posted the link below on Facebook, I was very interested to find out what the research showed. There’s one key difference between kids who excel at math…
I played football from 4th grade till 11th. It was a sport that forced me to grow physically and mentally. I interacted with kids that I wouldn’t normally have done things with and had some really great coaches. Coaches that helped me become who I am today as a person, much more than as an…
Friends band is making an album,"YEARS makes a record!" Kickstarter via @kickstarter # Powered by Twitter Tools
It never really crossed my mind that dropping out of High School was a possibility when I was going to school. The reasons are varied, but I had great parents that pushed education, a pretty good school system, and the social structure I grew up in. What shocked me in reading this article was this statement: Only…