Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-16
- Friends band is making an album,"YEARS makes a record!" Kickstarter via @kickstarter #
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Maybe you wont become a best selling author, but it is pretty amazing that you can publish a book on your own with the technology available today. Here is an NPR story about an author going outside the normal process Barry Eisler’s ‘Detachment’ From ‘Legacy’ Publishing : NPR. Plus we have a friend, Jen Tucker who published her…
First DLOI. Not sure I 100% agree with this video or everything that is supports, but it is interesting to read how our food consumption has changed over the centuries and the impacts it may be having on us. The Food Revolution – AHS 2011 – YouTube
Found a link to this video on the Freakonomcis Blog and thought it was great. Easy to understand, entertaining, and it points out the foolish decisions that we keep making with our coins.
Listened to this podcast several months ago, but was talking with my wife about it last night. The podcast suggests that parents don’t have a life long impact on there kid’s earning. However, we can have a impact on other parts of there lives. Listen below and find out: The Economist’s Guide to Parenting Freakonomics…
Wouldn’t you love to have this kind of connection at home! Data access to homes should be the rural electrification/Interstate Highway system of the next 10 years. 1Gbps fiber for $70—in America? Yup..
I know that I haven’t posted anything about my music appreciation project in the last month, but it has been a big success. I enjoyed listening to a number of different stations including the Avett Brothers and Eric Clapton. I found a couple new artist that I really enjoy and have a great new station on Pandora; Joshua…